segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2008
"Ver com os Ouvidos" a.k.a projecto
quinta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2008
Era a minha festa de anos no guincho.
Estou sentada na minha sala, rodeada de pessoas que não gosto. Estas pessoas vêm falar comigo, mas estão a ser cínicas. Eu não respondo a nenhuma destas pessoas que me abordam e pergunto-me a mim mesma o que elas estão fazer em minha casa. Entretanto chega um grande amigo meu, vestido de palhaço, e diz-me que não pode fazer isto e vai-se embora. Corro atrás dele em direcção à porta e choco contra o meu irmão, que estava suposto trazer o almoço. Este está a carregar 20 caixas de ovos e diz-me: “Vamos fazer omeletes!”
Eu continuo atrás do meu amigo, agora por cima de uma mota, mas não estou a guiá-la, mas sim ás cavalitas de outra pessoa que está a conduzir a mota. Eu consigo ver também o meu amigo à minha frente numa mota também, mas o meu “modo de visão” vai alternando entre os olhos da pessoa que está a guiar a mota onde eu estou e os meus olhos. Mais à frente está uma vala e o meu amigo cai, ficando por debaixo da moto. Eu saio da minha mota, não sei bem como porque passei imediatamente para o lado dele e começo a gritar por socorro.
terça-feira, 14 de outubro de 2008
Escrita Automática
1. 2. Pedras, uma, duas. Não. Pára. Sei lá, língua, vrum vrum, escreve, tic tic tic tic tic, ritmo, tu turu turu, toc toc toc , Pára, falar, snap, rrrrrrrr, Pára de falar. Ouvir, continuo a ouvir, vreme vreme, ploc, zum zum zum, Pára! Acende, acentuar, copo, blablabla, tic tic, crum crum crum, toc, pássaro, cor, não ver, inspirar, tiritiritiri, grilo, catatua, vela, azedo, queixar, verde, lápis, crunch crunch, catalizador, trópico, calar, degustação, vinhos, pasta, trum, arrasto, clicar, pastilha, carta.
quinta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2008
When we were kids
there was a strange house
All the shades were always drawn
and we never heard voices in there
And the yard was full of bamboo
and we liked to play in the bamboo
Pretend we were Tarzan
(although there was no Jane).
And there was a fish pond
A large one full of the
Fattest goldfish you ever saw
and they were tame.
They came to the surface of the water
and took pieces of bread from our hands.
Our parents had told us:“never go near that house.”
so, of course,we went.
We wondered if anybody lived there.
weeks went by and we never saw anybody.
Then one day we heard a voice from the house
It was a man’s voice.
Then the screen door of the house was flung open
and the man walked out.
He was holding a fifth of whiskey in his right hand.
He was about 30.
He had a cigar in his mouth,
needed a shave.
His hair was wild and uncombed
and he was barefoot in undershirt and pants.
But his eyes were bright.
they blazed with brightness
and he said, “hey little gentlemen,
having a good time, I hope?”
Then he gave a little laugh
and walked back into the house.
We left,
went back to my parent’s yard and thought about it.
Our parents, we decided
had wanted us to stay away from there
because they never wanted us to see a man like that,
a strong natural man with beautiful eyes.
Our parents were ashamed
that they were not like that man,
that’s why they wanted us to stay away.
But we went back to that house
and the bamboo and the tame goldfish.
We went back many times
for many weeks
but we never saw or heard the man again.
The shades were down as always
and it was quiet.
Then one day as we came back from school
we saw the house.
It had burned down,
there was nothing left,
just a smoldering twisted black foundation
and we went to the fish pond
and there was no water in it
and the fat orange goldfish were dead there,
drying out.
We went back to my parents’ yard
and talked about it
and decided that our parents had burned their house down,
had killed them
had killed the goldfish because it was all too beautiful,
even the bamboo forest had burned.
They had been afraid of the man with the beautiful eyes.
and we were afraid then that all through our lives
things like that would happen,
that nobody wanted anybody to be strong and beautiful like that,
that others would never allow it,
and that many people would have to die.
from The Last Night on Earth Poems by
Charles Bukowski