domingo, 5 de julho de 2009

A Voyage on the North Sea (1974)-Marcel Broodthaers

Isto é para aqueles que estão a ler a Rosalind Krauss.

quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2009


01 Value Pack
02 Pflum Form / Live Visuals
     with JONAS LUND
03 Counterhand
04 Auflosung im Raster
      with JANA PATZ
05 Struggle

Flagship Video & Fortress Tires


Helvetica 50th Birthday

Em honra do Sr. Rogério Prat. São letras? São bolinhos?
 É um bolo Helvetica.


domingo, 22 de março de 2009

What is typography?

A terminal condition suffered by letters.
A tipografia é uma escrita que é contígua com as artes visuais, é o equivalente moderno da antiga caligrafia, que ao mesmo tempo, no seu outro extremo, é contígua com a música, é desenho de sons. A tipografia é um traçado rítmico sobre a página e assim participa na partitura e no desenho.

Uma Caligrafia Insular

Outro exemplo de utilização de tipografia está presente num livro de Jorge dos Reis chamado Uma Caligrafia Insular. JdReis utiliza tipografia enquanto meio de expressão visual.


segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2009


eu depois forneço as imagens a quem quiser

segunda-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2009


The human brain can only generate 30 watts.

Ilustration. Bob Blechman

Object and circumstance

" Until the Berlin Wall came down the veteran traveller visiting Eastern Europe always included a squash ball in his suitcase. In most hotel showers were few and far between, although usually compensated for by ancient bathtubs of sensational dimensions. The snag was an inevitable lack of bath plugs, hence the squash ball. At the other extreme, one bathroom I encountered in a melancholy hotel in Ljubljana was so small that the bidet was installed in the diminutive shower stall. However, the best bathroom innovation must be the contraption described by Ralph Caplan in his book By Design: ' An ingenious example of the product-situation cycle could be found in Quebec waterfront hotel called L'Hotel Louis XIV, lamentably destroyed by fire years ago. At the Louis XIV, the term "private bath" meant what it means in many European hotels: the bath is yours but not yours alone, for it is also the private bath of the guest on the other side of the bathroom. This creates a problem. If the bathroom has no inside locks, you have no privacy. But if the doors can be locked from the inside, one forgetful guest can lock the other out indefinitely and almost surely will. Well, there were no locks inside the bathrooms of the Louis XIV, but tied to each doorknob you simply linked the two hooks together, holding both doors shut. There was no way to get back into your own room without at the same time unlocking the door for the other guests'. 'It was memorable', the autor records, 'as the total integration of object and circunstance'."

Alan Fletcher
Ilustration. Milton Glaser

quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

The Homunculus

Legenda:"The Homunculus is a pictorial representation of the senses which relates body 
parts to areas of the brain which control those parts. Dr Wilder Penfield's representation
of the brain localization shows that some parts of the body are grossly over-represented,
in keeping with their importance to our everyday functionong. The curious thing is they join
in the expected anatomical sequence of leg bone connected to the thigh bone, that is until
you come to the genitals whuch don't appear at all."

quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2009

" I work with things left over from other things." Julian Schnabel

A sombra da mota foi feita com 848 garfos, facas e colheres, e meticulosamente organizada por  Shigeo Fukuda.

segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2009

" ... my name means the shape I am and a good handsome shape it is, too. With a name like yours, you might be any shape, almost." Humpty Dumpty in conversation with Alice


domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2009


" There is a theory that when you aren't looking at 
       'Every object has two aspects,
something it doesn't exist. A situation obliquely analagous 
       the common aspect,
to a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat 
       which is the one we generally see
which isn't there. Certainly when I look at something, then 
       and the one which is seen by everyone,
shut my eyes, I can't see whatever it is - so can't be sure that
 it's still there. I could give it a kick to reassure myself like 
       the ghostly and metaphysical aspect,
Samuel Johnson who, on hearing Bishop Berkley declare 
       which only rare individuals see
that reality was only a state of mind, kicked a rock to 
       at moments of clairvoyance
disprove him. But what I kick might be something else, so
       and metaphysical meditation'
 all I know is that when I open my eyes - it's come back 

again. I´m reminded of the Lennon-McCartney lyric 
       de Chirico
which asks: 'What do you see when you turn out the light? -

 I can't tell you, but I know it's mine.' "

Alan Fletcher

Picture Blind

"There is a tribe in the Cameroon who have no pictorial art at all, and only make bands of geometric designs. When shown a photograph of a snake or an elephant it doesn´t mean anything to them, the images could equally well be of a cooking pots or missionaries. They are picture blind. Nigel Barley. The Innocent Anthropologist. Penguin (Harmondsworth 1986)

In comprehending pictorial representation much is acquired through familiarity with paintings, drawings and photographs, rather than being a trait which is inherited. Mind you, my two-year-old grandson instantly recognized himself in a photo, and his mother too. And he hasn´t been to art school or taken a course in visual communications.

Have you notice that although plenty of people confess they have 'no ear' for music you don´t come across many who admit they have 'no eye' for painting? Something to remember when looking at a picture we don't understand - and react angrily, feeling that we are being fooled. Perhaps rubbishing something because one doesn't understand it is remnant of survival instinct which threatens you. As that famous Irish rugby player Willy McBride maintained, 'It always pays to get your retaliation in first.' "

Alan Fletcher. The Art of looking sideways.

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009


" I quote others only the better to express myself" Michel de Montaigne

"When one dreams alone, it´s only a dream. When many dream together, it is the beginning of a new reality." Friedensreich Hundertwasser

"If dreams are a translation of waking life, equally waking life is a translation of dream" André Breton

"I used to dream in black and white until I made a color movie, and then I dreamt in color" Peter Bogdanovich

"...dreams are not a panacea. Dreams are another reality ... and the proof is that nightmares are intolerable." Amédée Ozenfant

" Sleep seems to hammer out for me the logical conclusions of my vague days, and offer them to me as dream." D.H. Lawrence

"The germ of a future composition comes suddenly and unexpectedly ... it takes root with extraordinary force and rapidity ... frequently in a somnambulistic state..." Tchaikovsky

"Dreamed I was a song. Disappointing to wake and find myself a man in a hole." Brian Eno

"You can waken men only by dreaming their dreams more clearly than they can dream themselves, not by demonstrating their lives as geometrical theorems." Alexander Herzen

Dreaming is what happens when the lunatics take over the asylum

Em continuação do que falamos na aula lembrei-me de algo que li:

"One does not dream, one is dreamed
I am sometimes confused as to whether I actually did something, or thought I´d done it, or whether I  was dreaming I did it. I guess you know what I mean.

Philosopher René Descartes was bewildered when he realized there were no conclusive indications to distinguish whether he was awake or asleep. He would have been more confused had it occurred to him he might have been a character in someone else's dream. That happened to Chuang Tzu who dreamt he was a butterfly. And when he woke up he didn´t know whether he was a man who dreamt he was a butterfly or a butterfly that dreamt he was a man. Hindus believe they are in Brahma's dream, just as Aborigines believe they are in dreams of deities. The Aborigines' problem is that if the deities wake up they won't exist.

A contemporary version has it we are a dream in the circuitry of a sleeping computer. And when the computer runs down (after a billion years or so) we will wake up to find we are a different intelligence from what which we had been dreaming we were - when we were a dream in a machine. An alternative thought is that maybe we are only the shadow of somebody else, in someone else´s dream."

Alan Fletcher

domingo, 11 de janeiro de 2009


sábado, 10 de janeiro de 2009


FLAT NOISE. Flicker, blink and cuddle are effective interpretative word echoes of physical movements. Similarly the verbal sounds of sneer and mellifluous call to mind what they mean. So do names such as pussy (sound symbolism) and cuckoo (onomatopoeia). Onomatopoeia is the grand evocative term for words wich imitate sounds: tick tock, choo choo, bark, miaow, oink, splat, clunk, bang, buzz, cakle,clatter, hiss, murmur, pop, snizzle, whiz, tinkle, whoosh, zoom. A parallel example is the graphic vernacular of speech ballons, think clouds and go faster stripes. Whereas onomatopoeia works through instinctive associations the graphic devices are only understood because everyone knows the visual language of comics and cartoons. The sound of battle conveyed in the message opposite written by Futurist Filippo Marinetti from the front-line trenches in 1915. The typography echoes the staccato clatter of bullets, explosive thud of bombs, whine of shrapnel and shriek of shells. The composition expresses panic ans confusion -- the fractured language of disassembled thoughts. A pictorial metaphor of violence.

about Noise in "The Art of looking sideways"


Estive a pensar neste trabalho fantástico que temos que fazer... Conclui que sensores e isso, pode ter o seu interesse, mas não é viável. Então decidi, vou ser mais tradicional. Vou na mesma criar estruturas que necessitem que se toque para obter som. Mas o som vai ser feito com vários objectos, estes que no conjunto formem o tal objecto.

sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009

Instalações de Som

Estive a ver instalações com som e encontrei algumas interessantes neste site.