'Every object has two aspects,
something it doesn't exist. A situation obliquely analagous
the common aspect,
to a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat
which is the one we generally see
which isn't there. Certainly when I look at something, then
and the one which is seen by everyone,
shut my eyes, I can't see whatever it is - so can't be sure that
it's still there. I could give it a kick to reassure myself like
the ghostly and metaphysical aspect,
Samuel Johnson who, on hearing Bishop Berkley declare
which only rare individuals see
that reality was only a state of mind, kicked a rock to
at moments of clairvoyance
disprove him. But what I kick might be something else, so
and metaphysical meditation'
all I know is that when I open my eyes - it's come back
again. I´m reminded of the Lennon-McCartney lyric
de Chirico
which asks: 'What do you see when you turn out the light? -
I can't tell you, but I know it's mine.' "
Alan Fletcher
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